sugar should have a warning label.

Tonight, I took Teo to his friend, Ty's, birthday bash at Monkey Joe's. He's been looking forward to it and talking about it, literally, for weeks! And I'm sure he'll be talking about it for a few more weeks to come! I'm pretty sure he had more sugar in his 2.5 hours there than he has in 3 or 4 days, normally! Unfortunately, I only have two arms with two hands on the ends, which happened to be occupied with Eva 99% of the time, so every time I looked at Teo he was either eating a sucker (at one point, he had 3 in his hand ~ he graciously gave me two of them that I put aside for "later"), drinking a juice box (I had to cut him off after 2), or eating icing (not the actual cake, mind you... just the icing ;) ). On the way home I think he developed sugar-induced terretts (sp?), because every 10 seconds or so he would scream out at the top of his lungs, which scared Eva and made her cry. And he didn't stop yapping the whole 20 minutes it took to get home! (Don't you just love those car rides!) Keep in mind that its already 30 minutes passed both their bedtimes. When we get home from anywhere, I always have him go potty, first thing... and he's usually pretty good about it... well, this time he just dropped his pants in the hallway and started peeing on the runner! ... He came down from his "sugar high" about 10 minutes later and was asleep 20 minutes after that. The last thing he said before drifting off was "Mommy, I had fun at Ty Ty's birthday party. Can we go again tomorrow?"

This week was my first week back to work, and Felipe's first week staying home with the kids! My week was great! And although Felipe's day one was a little rough, he pulled off his first week of being a stay at home dad with flying colors! He even got Eva to drink from a bottle!! Everyday, he would report about the days happenings and each day I was more and more impressed. I get home around 2:30 every day, and its great timing, because I have enough time in my work day to be productive and get things done (and miss the kids), and when I get home I still have a few hours to play and hang with them before starting dinner and getting them ready for bedtime. I'm looking forward to getting more acclimated to my new job, and I love all the people I work with. So, "yay"!

My last little bit of randomness is about the attached video clip... Teo loves music and is always singing along with me in the car or at church in the "Isalnd" (the Preschool worship room). He is constantly turning whatever it is that he is saying into a song... not sure where he gets that from? ;) Hope you like Teo's version of Chris Tomlin's "Sing, Sing, Sing"...


  1. ok, him peeing on the runner made me laugh out loud. Ramsey was so wound up he woke up twice durning the night. Monkey joes is a blessing and a curse for sure!

  2. Oh my word, I just laughed out loud so hard at teo peeing on the runner... as our baby is still in the womb, I did not see that coming. After reading this post, I have a lot to learn about sugar and toddlers and also not to be shocked when they pee on household items.
    You are a Super Mom!
